5rd Newsletter about IWGA World Games 2017
Dear WAKO Members,
Please read it carefully and follow instructions .
It is important that all participants that need visa contact relevant Polish Embassy or Consulate and check with them which are the required documents for obtaining visa. You have to start preparing all necessary documentation after receiving information from the Embassy.
As soon as WOC and IWGA approve all participants registered into EMS system you will get Official Invitation letter for each participant from WAKO Competition Manager after 31
May 2017 . Until then please contact Embassy and start preparing all required documents.As soon as you get the official invitation letter you can apply for visa.
For your information you can always find further updates about the IWGA World Games 2017 on WAKO website under the dedicated area:
Kind regards,
Barbara Falsoni WAKO (IF) Administration
On behalf of Srdjan Bugarcic WAKO Competition Manager