8th International Kick Boxing Championship, Alto Paranà, Paraguay
The 8th International Kick Boxing Championship, held in April 8th , 2018 in Alto Paraná city, Paraguay, was a huge success in the modalities of LIGHT CONTACT, KICK LIGHT, LOW KICK AND K1 RULES. It was promoted by the Hernandarias Royal Fist Team, in partnership with Alto Paranaense Kick Boxing Association, with the presence of approximately 1.500 spectators and athetes from many regions of de Paragyuay, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. It was an extraordinary achievement considering the number of registered athletes (total: 168), thanks whom it was possible to close more than 56 fights in all the mentioned modalities. There were 10 fights in Light and Kick light, 46 fights in Low Kick and K1 Rules, without any injuries, observation or complaint for the referees' and the judges' work.
8th International Kick Boxing Championship, Paraná city