Dublin WC: all results, medals, statistics
The Cadets & Juniors World Championships 2016 ended succesfully in Dublin, Ireland, registering n. 1.366 athletes coming from 47 different countries of all the five continents: AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, BELGIUM, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BRAZIL, BULGARIA, CHILE, CROATIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, GUATEMALA, HUNGARY, IRELAND, ISRAEL, ITALY, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, LATVIA, LIECHTENSTEIN, LITHUANIA, MAURITIUS, MEXICO, MOLDOVA, NETHERLANDS, NEW ZEALAND, NORWAY, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROMANIA, RUSSIA, SERBIA, SLOVAKYA, SLOVENIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, SWITZERLAND, TURKEY, UKRAINE, UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED STATES. For your information here below you can find a brief run down of the views from the live streams at Cadets & Juniors WC 2016: Opening Ceremony 10,287 Day 1 Ring 1 4,170 Ring 2 5,587 Ring 3 5,268 Tatami 1 and 3 9,006 Tatami 2 and 4 4,755 Tatami 5 and 7 4,175 Tatami 6 and 8 4,500 Day 2 Ring 1 5,265 Ring 2 4,524 Ring 3 5,312 Tatami 1 and 3 5,666 Tatami 2 and 4 4,035 Tatami 5 and 7 4,380 Tatami 6 and 8 3,992 Musical Forms 2,816 Day 3 Ring 1 6,100 Ring 2 4,437 Ring 3 5,046 Tatami 1 and 3 5,581 Tatami 2 and 4 5,205 Tatami 5 and 7 3,071 Tatami 6 and 8 4,453 Musical Forms 1,914 Day 4 Ring 1 2,082 Ring 2 5,630 Ring 3 2,743 Tatami 1 and 2 5,418 Tatami 3 and 4 3,862 Tatami 5 2,322 Tatami 6 1,115 Musical Forms 1,291 Day 5 Ring 1 3,455 Ring 2 1,985 Ring 3 2,570 Tatami 1 2,147 Tatami 2 and 5 2,995 Tatami 3 and 4 2,137 Tatami 6 1,254 Musical Forms 1,717 Total views 162,268 The live streams were watched in 150 countries, the top ten were: Russia Italy Poland Hungary Ireland UK Bulgaria Germany Slovenia Greece This is the first time Germany have been able to watch as their government has just made an agreement allowing youtube live stream to be viewed there. The viewers were 72% male and 28% female. For highlights video please go on: https://youtu.be/OCRO53cjO6o Please find herewith attached: - List of nations, number of athletes and entries; - All results; - Medals statistics For further information please check on www.sportsdata.org