Saturday 05 of April the club "team fighters" of Martin Zavoral (Czech national team coach) arranged one date for "LIGHT REVOLUTION" of Manuel Nordio and Ivan Sciolla. About 20 fighters from different Czech Republic areas met in Prague at Martin's club for a full day totally dedicated at Light Contact and Kick Light. Before to start seminar,Manuel like in all other dates,has explained his point of view about these 2 Wako disciplines,and was glad to see that Martin was totally agree and share his opinions. LIGHT REVOLUTION brings in every its stop, ideas for a new way to Fight and to see Continuos Fight on tatami,more fast,more dinamic,more fun. In Czech capital city,program was very intensive,all The morning coaches worked on different kind of training systems and about some basic combinations. In the afternoon,after to have got lunch all together,people came back to gym,because at 15:00 2nd session started.
Program of 2nd session was an easy warm up and technical and tactic works. In the end of seminar guys made streching very close each other and share their opinions about seminar and about Continuos Fight in Wako. An other interesting stop for LIGHT REVOLUTION that is bringing its own style and own way to see Light Contact and Kick Light around Europe. Manuel Nordio and Ivan Sciolla already stayed with their seminars in Italy,Greece,Norway,Austria,Czech Republic and Nepal,working progress for new agreements with Germany,Croatia and Norway, next official stop for Manuel and Ivan will be Sicily,on 24 of May and the big summer camp in Hungary from 20 to 27 of July . A lot of requests arrived for LIGHT REVOLUTION,probably people likes this mix of Point Fight,ring sport and taekwondo. Thanks again to Martin Zavoral for the great Organization and for a real nice welcoming. Continuos Fight is improving in Wako competition by competition,and these kind of events help people to understand better this sport.