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World Association of Kickboxing Organizations

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New elected President and Governing Council of WAKO India

Jun 12, 2017

2 min read




National Kickboxing Federation WAKO India held its Extraordinary General Assembly for elections and constitution of permanent Governing Council of WAKO India. The General Assembly and the elections were held in the free, fair and democratic atmosphere, in the accordance with the Statutes of WAKO IF.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Devender Singh Dhull, Director of Sports department – Maharish Dayanand University, Rohatak, Haryana, and the Chairman of Recognition Committee of 'Association of Indian Universities (AIU)' . He was elected to be Election Presiding Officer ( EPO). After approving that all participating members are familiar with Agenda of the General Assembly and with the announced elections, and when was the nominated list of their representatives in the elections approved, they gave the written consent to the elections.

Among 29 participating India's states at the Assembly, 26 voted for the new President. The newly elected President of WAKO India is Mr. Santosh Kumar Agrawal. Mr. Santosh Agrawal expressed his gratitude and thanked the members who participated and voted for him, thanked the Election Presiding Officer for the transparent, free and democratic procedure of the elections which were conducted in accordance with the WAKO IF Statutes, WAKO India Statutes, as well as the law of India.

Mr. Agrawal confirmed his deep conviction that his further activities shall be undertaken for the benefit of WAKO India, WAKO IF and the benefit and prosperity of kickboxing sport, in the true manner of sportsmanship and fair play. After electing the new President, EPO declared the results of the elections, announced the elected President and closed the elections procedure.

The organization under Mr. Santosh Agrawal proceed with the legal registrationof the new name "WAKO India Kickboxing Federation" and they have already received the confirmation letter from Ministry of Corporate Affairs Government of India.


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