Iraq is not necessarily only war and bombing and dead bodies . Luckily there are a lot of people who are trying to get back to a normal life. It's very nice then to see the pictures coming from Iraq where Sami Kiblawi from Lebanon gave a seminar in k1 Rules. We are pleased to publish the report. See the Gallery, please.
"Mr Sami Kiblawi was invited by Iraqian Kick-Boxing Federation. The seminar that he gave included the latest boxing and kicking techniques, also the physical training and preparation for the boxers before, during and after the competitions.
The seminar took place in North Iraq , Kurdistan region. It lasted for three days, and ended with Official black Belt Exams, supervised by General Kassem Al-Wassiti, President of the Iraqian Federation, and Mr Azad Mohammed Saleh , President of Suleimaniyyeh-Kurdistan Federation.
More than 120 Persons came from all over Iraq to Suleimaniyyeh City to train and enjoy the three days Seminar with Mr Kiblawi.
The Head Quarter of the Iraqian Army in North Iraq (Bashmerka) , where kick-Boxing is one of the official sports , also invited Mr Kiblawi to give a lecture about Kick-Boxing, a lecture that was attended by many of high ranks in the army.
Suleymaniyyeh City is one out of three main cities in kurdistan region of Iraq, along with Arbeel, the capital, and Dahook.
Suleymaniyyeh’s mountains and valleys, wide clean streets, and beautiful architecture are as joyful and welcoming as its people, who are extremely friendly and hospitable.
In conclusion, the big thanks goes to Mr Azad Mohammed Saleh who organized and invited all those people. Not to forget General Al-wassiti for all his good work for Iraq".