The great success of the WAKO Athletes seminar
Athletes seminar took part at World Championships in Antalya on November 28th and it was a great success. Besides the opportunity that WAKO athletes could visit Athletes seminar at the Sport hall of the Championships and join activities there, the seminar finalized the successful year full of activities and presented it to the participants.
After welcoming speech of WAKO Vice President Espen Lund and brief explanation about Athletes Corner and our social programs, he welcomed and introduced two representatives of the IOC Sports Department Mr. Andrew Hofer and Mrs. Irina Gladkikh, who were observing for and inspection of our sport, to see how we manage our championships, our organization and to understand what we do.
Dr. Daniele Gianlorenzo, WAKO Antidoping officer introduced the importance of the constant anti-doping education as well as the news from WADA.
Borja Mendioroz from WAKO Spain shared his experience working with disabilities for both training, well being and for competition. For his passionate work he received a big applause from his colleagues and present athletes.
Athlete Committee Chairman Zsolt Moradi together with Ali Hussein Alkhaldi, who escaped from war in Syria and found his home in the refugee camp where in the meantime had built his family, talked about inclusion and how WAKO and BecauseWeCare mision gives hope to hundreds of children and women in the Za’atary refugee camp in Jordan.
Athletes Seminar