WADA has promoted an International Media Symposium which has taken place at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne (Switzerland) to examine media and communications issues surrounding the fights against doping in sport.
Our president Ennio Falsoni attended such a meeting being a journalist himself .
Meeting was leaded by WADA's freshly elected president, the Hon. John Fahey from Australia, and by WADA's General Director Mr. David Howman.
In their report, both Mr. Fahey and Mr. Howman have gone through their 9 years history and stressed the fact tha systematic doping in sports can lead to perils for athletes' health or event to death , not to talk about the ethic problems behind such a behaviour.
WADA has launched a global antidoping fight and looking for harmonization and cooperation with Governments and NOCs and an education campaign for a "genuine cultural change" in our future society.
WADA has strengthen the CODE -Firmness and Fairness - and adopted the Athlete Passport.
Before the next Beijing Olympic Games, a WADA task force will be at work to guarantee Fair Play in the Games.
In the picture, WADA's president Hon. John Fahey at the Olympic Museum Congress Hall.