WADA publishes Reporting Guide to Monitor Testing
Montreal, 22 September 2017 Dear colleagues, The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish the Reporting Guide to Monitor Testing . On 2 October 2014, WADA published the Technical Document for Sport Specific Analysis (TDSSA) , which is intended to ensure that Prohibited Substances within the scope of the TDSSA are subject to an appropriate and consistent level of analysis by all Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) that conduct testing in the relevant sports and disciplines. Compliance with the TDSSA is mandatory under article 5.4.1 of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) ; and, since 1 January 2016, WADA has been closely monitoring implementation of the TDSSA. On 1 June 2016, following a decision by WADA’s Executive Committee, it became mandatory for ADOs to enter all Doping Control Forms (DCFs) into the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) no later than 15 business days after sample collection. As both TDSSA implementation and entry of DCFs into ADAMS are now mandatory, WADA monitors them closely from a Code compliance perspective, including via the Code Compliance Questionnaire (CCQ). Failure to comply with these requirements can result in a declaration of non-compliance. WADA developed this new Reporting Guide to Monitor Testing in order to assist ADOs with these compliance requirements. The Guide provides step by step instructions to:
Generate relevant reports in ADAMS;
Cross check the data and;
Take the necessary action to eliminate any data entry errors so that ADOs can monitor their compliance with the TDSSA and DCF entry based on accurate testing data.
Kindly note that enhanced reporting functions will be part of the New Generation ADAMS, which is in development, to simplify the monitoring process in the near future. Should you have any questions about this Guide, please contact us at compliance@wada-ama.org. Best regards, World Anti-Doping Agency