WAKO President's Newsletters - January, February, March 2020
Dear WAKO members
This is an extraordinary time we live in, the impact of CV 19 has lead to a fundamental change in our society.
The impact on our daily lives is visible and tangible.
We must step forward with resolve, resilience and positivity, ensuring we and our WAKO family come through this difficult time.
Below attached to this letter is an overview of the activities in WAKO over the last months, it enables you to see the tremendous work our presidents and federations do week in week out.
It makes me incredibly proud to see the level of activity, development and commitment within the WAKO family, many of the future events are uncertain, so please keep in direct contact with WAKO Administration for the Calendar which is updated daily at www.wako.sport
Respectfully Yours,
Roy Baker President WAKO ______________________________________________________________________________ Notice to all National Federation’s Presidents and General Secretaries
Please, send the monthly newsletter to all your clubs and members of federation’s committees
Send us your activities and important notices: posters of the competitions or activities, several pictures (possibly in high resolution format), number of participants, number of clubs and number of participating countries and announcement - posters of competition for next months
Please send the material to:
WAKO Media Officer, Marijana Pelevic - marijana.pelevic@wako.sport
WAKO Technical Director, Romeo Desa - technical.director@wako.sport
WAKO Administration, Barbara Falsoni - administration@wako.sport
Thank you very much in advance for cooperation.
Best regards,
WAKO Administration