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Whereabouts & RTP
As per WADC 5.5, WAKO has established a WAKO Registered Testing Pool of those Athletes who are required to provide whereabouts information in the manner specified in the International Standard for Testing and Investigations and who shall be subject to Consequences for DC 2.4 violations as provided in DC 10.3.2. WAKO shall coordinate with National Anti-Doping Organizations to identify such Athletes and to collect their whereabouts information. As per WADC 5.5, and in accordance with the International Standard for Testing and Investigations, it is the responsibility of each Athlete in the WAKO Registered Testing Pool to:
(a) advise WAKO of his or her whereabouts on a quarterly basis, update that information as necessary so that it remains accurate and complete at all times;
(b) make himself or herself available for Testing at such whereabouts.
Definition of International-level athlete
Within the overall pool of Athletes set out above who are bound by and required to comply with these Anti-Doping Rules, the following Athletes shall be considered to be International-Level Athletes for purposes of these Anti-Doping Rules, and therefore the specific provisions in these Anti-Doping Rules applicable to International-Level Athletes (e.g. Testing, TUEs, whereabouts information, Results Management, and appeals) shall apply to such Athletes:
An Athlete who is National Champion in that given year and subsequent years where he/she is the official national Champion as recognized by the WAKO National Governing Body.
An Athlete who has competed in a WAKO World Cup, or A/B class event in the last two years as defined in the WAKO Calendar.
The Web-based functionality ADAMS allows athletes to comply with the whereabouts rules of their sport by entering their information from anywhere in the world. Additionally, ADAMS supports the delegation of this responsibility to an authorized representative such as team manager, agent or other third party. Athletes can also modify their whereabouts through the use of SMS messaging to ADAMS. The system is available in various languages (English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Dutch, German, Japanese, etc.).
Athlete’s information form on ADAMS
Athlete can login into ADAMS and find some help on: Website
Who uses ADAMS and why?
ADAMS is used by athletes, ADOs and their delegates, and WADA-accredited laboratories and WADA-approved laboratories for the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) to support their day-to-day responsibilities related to anti-doping.
For athletes, ADAMS is used for submitting their whereabouts. ADAMS can also be used for athletes to manage the application and recognition of TUEs.
ADAMS allows ADOs to coordinate and manage:
Athletes under their jurisdiction, including accessing athlete Whereabouts
Test planning and execution
Results Management
ADAMS is essential for laboratories and Athlete Passport Management Units (APMU) reporting and interpreting results.
ADAMS facilitates paperless doping control (sample collection) through the DCO Central app. The module supports:
Athlete Notification Form
Doping Control Form (DCF)
Chain of Custody
Unsuccessful attempt (related to Whereabouts)
Athlete refusal
Doping Control Officer (DCO) Report

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