
6th April 2019 (International Day of Sport for Development and Peace) and 10th April 2019 (Play True Day)

April 3, 2019

Dear Presidents/Dear Friends,

I would like to remind you of two very important days coming up in the world sporting calendar.

6th April 2019 White Card Day – marks the sixth edition of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) that will take place worldwide.

The related #WhiteCard campaign was officially launched now – until April 21st, athletes, coaches, teams and organisations are invited to promote the positive and constructive values of sports. The #WhiteCard is a Peace and Sport digital campaign. It promotes the positive and constructive values of sport, reaching millions of people every year across Social Media. In contrast with the red card, which signifies the most serious offense in sport, the #WhiteCard is a gesture of inclusion, tolerance and peace. It is very important that you and your members support this in a tangible way. What is critical is that when promoting you include the following hashtags in all publications so we can track it. #WhiteCard and #BecauseWeCare and #onewako and #onechampion

Appropriate links below.

More Information on and

Peace and Sport on Facebook:

Peace and Sport on Twitter:

Peace and Sport on Instagram:

10th April 2019 – Play True Day

The World Anti Doping Agency WADA along with athletes, National and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations, Sporting Federations and others celebrates the 2019 Play True Day on April 10th.

Play True Day is dedicated to clean sport and is intended to raise awareness among athletes, the sporting public and others about the global fight against doping. On this day, WADA asks athletes why they ‘Play True’.

In a spirit of solidarity among the anti-doping community, everyone involved in sports is asked to join WADA and others by celebrating the day on their digital and social media platforms, with the freedom to innovate and give it a twist unique to the specific sport or country.
Please post the “I play true because…” videos or photos with the hashtag, #PlayTrueDay and #onewako and #onechampion .

We ask that you get a number of your high profile athletes to post a video on your Facebook page speaking about the importance of a doping free sport.

Appropriate Links below.



Respectfully Yours,

Roy Baker
WAKO President


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