In Corfe Castle there the demonstration against Hungarians was a vain effort.Mr. Richard Veres (from Hungary) could run with the Olympic torch under calm circumstances. The kickboxer got the torch sooner than originally planned.
“The organization was good, the route was kept as it had been decided originally and the Olympic relay went thorough Corse Castle, but Richard did not run thorough the village. He should have got the torch at 12:12 o’clock according to the previous plans but the time was modified, he got it at 11:47 o’clock and he could run without any atrocities. This way the Olympic Movement achieved victory and the run was solely about the runner and not an English gentleman under a course of action. ” – said Mr. Daniel Roth the spokesman of Mr. Veres’s club called Halker Kiraly Team.
The marketing colleague of Samsung, Mr. Szilard Baradits, who accompanied the Hungarian members of the relay, also confirmed that the run was carried out without any problem. The organizers had information about the planned protest and they modified the order of the members of the relay Thursday evening. Mr. Veres originally would have run with others. At the new hour indicated an English girl and a Scottish boy accompanied the Olympic torch. Baradits said Mr. Veres run loose and without any feeling of danger and there was no need for the strong Police and Military cover. The English people welcomed the kickboxer and his improvised kickboxing show and in a school maintained by the English Church he was also clapped.
Mr. Baradits also said that the case of the Olympic relay was treated as very important in England. In the morning also the BBC reported about it and the protest against Hungarians was also mentioned but they did not talk about it in detail.