
Wako international kickboxing referee seminar 2017 in India, 3-6/08/2017

August 29, 2017

An overwhelming response to ‘wako international kickboxing referee seminar 2017’ 165 referees & 20 officials from all over the country (27 states) participated. An excellent gathering of 185 for four days starting from 3rd – 6th august, 2017.

Day one – 3rd august, 2017 : started with registration of referee delegates and distribution of official uniforms.

Day two – 4th agusut, 2017 : inaugurated the seminar in indian traditional way by lighting a lamp by mr. Yury lakhtikov, chairman – referee committee, ring sports, wako (if) & mr. Brian wlliam beck, chairman – referee committee – tatami sport in the presence all the governing council members of wako india at 10 am.

Felicitated the special invitees – Mr. Lakhtikov & Mr. Brian William Beck and WAKO India governing council members – Mr. Santosh k. Agrawal, president, Mr. Anil kalyan, general secretary, Mr. Wasim Ahmad, Sr. Vice president & Mr. Harsh Dahiya, treasurar in traditional way by the Wako maharashtra state president Mr. Santosh mhatre.

Unveiled official webpage of ‘wako india kickboxing federation’ by mr. Yury lakhtikov and mr. Brian william Beck.

President wako india mr. Santosh k. Agrawal did welcome both the chairman, referee committee and the audience. Also conveyed sincere thanks on behalf of wako india for their presence.

Day three: 5th august, 2017 : theoritical and practical trainings in both disciplines – ring and tatami conducted by mr. Yuri lakhtikov & mr. Brian william beck. Two separate facilities were arranged for ring and tatami workshops and examinations.

Day four – 6th august, 2017 : in the first half, written examinations of referees conducted both for ring and tatami under the strict supervision of chairmen referee committee.

The second half was graced with the august presence of mr. Davinder singh dhull, director (sports), maharshi dayanand university, rohtak, haryana, india as chief guest for the closing ceremony. An inspiring and wonderful speech was given by the chief guest.

Ended the four days seminar with a positive note followed by entertainment programmes for everyone.

This seminar would not have been a great success without the support and guidance of president Wako (IF) prof. Borislav Pelevic, ph.d. We also would like to thank mr. Roy Baker, vice president Wako (IF) mr. Espen Lund vice president Wako (IF), and Mrs. Barbara Falsoni for their excellent support and help extended.

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Administration – wako india h. Qr.

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