Bestfighters 2013, the kickboxing Wako Pro world cup will be held in Rimini (Italy) from May, 31st to June, 2nd. The registration can be executed only on line: within 10th of May.

Dear WAKO Presidents,
On this period so sad and difficult for the conditions of our President Ennio Falsoni, I’m writing to urge you to continue the activity in each of your countries with unfaltering zeal and enthusiasm, just like our President would certainly.
I hope to see you in Italy in Rimini at WAKO Best Fighter World Cup 2013 that will be held from May 31st to June 2nd, 2013. At the time, as you know, in addition to the competitions, there will be the Referees Wako International Seminar, which jointly arbitrage of three days, will determine the credits for the next Combat Games. The seminar will be held on Friday, May 31st from 11.0 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Hoping to meet you in Rimini,
Best regards,
Gianfranco Rizzi

Forza Ennio, Forza Presidente, we all are with You
