Information: Hungarian Kickboxing Federation –

BUDO AND MARTIAL ARTS GALA 2012 (Military and Police Contest) will take place on September 29th 2012 (Saturday) at Syma Event and Congress Center, Hall “ A ” (Budapest, No. 1 Dozsa Gyorgy Street, Hungary).

Purpose of Competition:
Meeting in contest of the martial artists of the law enforcement agencies, conferring the championship titles, popularizing martial arts, providing the possibility to enter in contest, mobilizing personnel engaged in martial arts connected to law enforcement training, cultivating sports liaisons, friendships.

Counter Terrorism Center (TEK)

Deadline for entry: 16.00 pm. 10th September 2012 , Monday

Entries should be sent to: or
Please download here official invitation to the Military and Police contest containing all necessary details.
Annexes included:
Annex “ 1 ” Draft Schedule
Annex “ 2 ” Entry Form