
Information about WAKO Tatami Official Supplier

February 19, 2020

Dear WAKO members,

WAKO has signed an Official Supplier Contract for tatamies for the period 2020-2023 with Budoland.

The contract stipulates that Budoland – company of Top Ten – is Tatami Official Supplier’s trademark for the WAKO World and Continental Championships.

At WAKO World and Continental Championships only tatami pads from the Tatami Official Supplier – Top Ten acn be used:

The tatami pads to be used are made by Trocellen, approved by the WAKO Technical Committee, they meet all specifications and must have the WAKO trademark in two colours, red and blue.

The organizers with whom WAKO has signed contracts for the organization of the WAKO World and Continental Championships are obliged to ensure that tatamis from the official supplier are used at the Championships.

Budoland / Top Ten can separately arrange their participation in the A, B and C Class competitions and World Cups with the local organizers – promoters of tournaments.

Click here for WAKO Calendar 2020 .

Romeo Desa

WAKO Technical Director

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