

September 15, 2010

September 11, 2010.

WAKO has announced that the WAKO Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel has confirmed that Following a doping control test conducted on 25th October 2009 a prohibited substance Ephedrine was found in the test sample A of a Mr Ehram Madjidov.

Therefore it was confirmed and defined that as per article 7.1.4 of the code, a Prohibited Substance was identified in A sample and this finding was duly reported to the interpreter and athletes representative Sadikh Bagirov by writing as the representative of the Athlete and the appropriate.

The athlete through his representative confirmed the substance had been taken in error through by written correspondence on 21-01-2010 it was stated/ “ After some discussions we decided to go along with the fact of positive test, since the athlete used bronkholitin (liquid against cold, flue and bad breath) which has the ephedrine among other components. That’s why this would be really useless from our side to argue with the fact of positive test of the first sample ” .

Therefore as defined in article 7.1.4 of the code of the WAKO Anti-Doping Rules (Rules) the WAKO Anti-Doping
Disciplinary Panel found that kick-boxer Ehram Madjidov had committed a violation.

It was agreed that following several submissions that the positive finding would be processed under article 10-03 of the WAKO/WADA Code which states.

10.3 Specified Substances
The Prohibited List may identify specified substances which are particularly susceptible to unintentional anti-doping rules violations because of their general availability in medicinal products or which are less likely to be successfully abused as doping agents. Where an Athlete can establish that the Use of such a specified substance was not intended to enhance sport performance, the period of Ineligibility found in Article 10.2 shall be replaced with the following:

First violation: At a minimum, a warning and reprimand and no period of Ineligibility from future Events, and at a maximum, one (1) year’s Ineligibility. Second violation: Two (2) years’ Ineligibility. Third violation: Lifetime Ineligibility.

The Panel had experienced significant delays for various reasons in processing this positive analytical finding all said delays were not on the part of WAKO or the doping panel and are regrettable, but where not cause by an action or inaction by WAKO or its officers.

The athlete was therefore informed through his representative Sadikh Bagirov, his NADO and WADA of the following. “ It is the opinion of the WAKO Doping Hearing Panel that an in competition Anti Doping rule violation took Place at the WAKO European Championships in Villach, Austria and is being processed under article 10.3. It is agreed by the Doping Hearing Panel that there was an unintentional violation of the anti doping rules.

Therefore it is the decision of the Anti Doping panel that the athlete Ehram Madjidov will receive a twelve months suspension from competition in Kickboxing from the date of the positive test on 25-10-2009. Therefore he will not be in a position to participate in Kickboxing competition until after 25th October 2010 and therefore will not be in a position to participate in the Combat games in Beijing or the European Championships in Baku. The committee also request that before the competitor becomes active again in competition he should be tested prior to returning to competitive kickboxing and this should be organised through his NADO.

This announcement is made pursuant to Article 15 (Public Disclosure) of the Rules.

Further information: Roy Baker, Director Anti Doping WAKO Irish Sports Council &rdash 087-6775614

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