

November 10, 2008

Panathlon International leaded by Italian Enrico Prandi held its 2008 World Conference in “Ethics in Youth Sport” in Ghent, the beautiful historical capital of Flanders (home town of IOC president Mr. Jacques Rogge). Many IFs presidents were there and among them, Ennio Falsoni.

The Conference had as its main goal the implementation of the Panathlon Declaration of Ethics in Youth Sport (which was launched in 2004), not an easy task indeed. Of course, Panathlon International is not the only organization which seem to take care of children. Their “Declaration” is based on the Convention of the United Nations on the “Rights of the Child – November 20, 1989); on the Charter of Child Rights in Sport (Public Education Department of the Geneva Canton, Switzerland); on the resolution of the congresses of Avignon (1995) and Vienna (1997). On 24th September 2004 Panathlon International presented to the sport world this declaration that among other issues, says:

“….We believe that striving to excel and to win and to experience both success and pleasure, failure and frustration, are all part and parcel of competitive sport. We will give children the opportunity to cultivate and to integrate (within the structure, the rules and the limits of the game) this in their performance and will help them to manage their emotions…

“…All children have the right to practise sports; to enjoy themselves and to play; to live in healthy environment; to be treated with dignity; to be trained and coached by competent people; to take part in training that is adapted to their age, individual rythm and competence; to match themselves against children of the same level in a suitable competition; to practise sports in safe conditions; to rest; to have the opportunity to become a champion or not…”.

WAKO has endorsed the Panathlon declaration together with other 25 International Sports Federations, IOC, GAISF,UNESCO and UNICEF.

In the picture, together with Ennio Falsoni we have Paul Hoglund (left) who was representing Hein Verbruggen, Hilde Bruggeman (Province of East Flanders) amd Mr. Guido De Bondt, Belgium NOC General Secretary.

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