II.International kickboxing cup Tešanj Open 2010 in semi contact, light contact, full contact, Low kick, Musical forms and Aerokickboxing held on 19.06.2010.
Venue:the new sports hall in beautiful Bosnian town Tešanj.
For the Cup were present 268 participants from 42 team from 7 countries.
The competition was held on 2 tatamis, 1 ring and elapsed in a very correct and sporting atmosphere.
Main referees: Rudolf Oliva (CRO), Veldin Halilović ( BiH), Ljupĉe Stojĉevski (MKD)
Judges:NeĊo Bratić, Rinaldo Pikoloti, Aladin Mešić, Denis Ćenanović, Edis Ĉelebić, Emir Tarahija, Momir Brenjo, Elvis Kubaj, Sanid Imamović, Davor Oštrić and Ţeljko Rojnić.
Tešanj, 28.06.2010
Director CBS Tešanj
Alija Ogrić